Gurugram: Police announced on Wednesday the discovery of three metal idols, believed to date back approximately 400 years, during excavation for a residential construction project in Baghanki village near Manesar.
Authorities have taken possession of the ancient idols and instructed the property owner to halt construction activities. They revealed plans for the Archaeology Department to conduct further excavation to ascertain if additional artifacts are present at the site.
Reportedly, the idols were uncovered as ground was broken for the foundation of a new dwelling using a JCB machine.
Initially, the landowner attempted to conceal the find, even offering money to the JCB operator to maintain secrecy. However, the operator informed the Bilaspur police after two days, prompting a police response to the location.
Recovered idols from the property include a standing representation of Lord Vishnu, an idol of Goddess Lakshmi, and a combined representation of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu.
The Bilaspur police have handed over the idols to Deputy Director Banani Bhattacharya and Dr. Kush Dhebar of the Archaeology Department.
It’s reported that villagers advocated for the idols to be entrusted to the panchayat for the construction of a temple on the plot. Nevertheless, Archaeology Department officials declined, stating that the artifacts are government property and will undergo analysis in their laboratory before being housed in the department’s museum.
“The ownership of these idols belongs to the government, and personal claims cannot be made. After preliminary examination, it appears these idols are approximately 400 years old. Further excavation on the plot will be conducted,” remarked the Deputy Director of the Archaeology Department.