News Karnataka
Friday, June 28 2024

Priyanka Gandhi Raises Alarm on BJP’s Constitution Change Agenda

Priyanka Gandhi
Photo Credit : News Karnataka

Ahmedabad: Congress leader, Priyanka Gandhi expressed her concerns on Saturday regarding the intentions of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). She emphasized that although the top BJP leaders might currently deny any plans to amend the Constitution, she firmly believes they would make alterations if they regained power.

“BJP leaders may deny it now, but they have intentions to change the Constitution. Prime Minister Narendra Modi might deny it, but this denial is just a tactic. Their strategy is to first deny their intentions, but once in power, they will implement these changes. Their aim is to amend the Constitution to weaken the common people and strip them of their rights enshrined in our Constitution,” she remarked.

Speaking at a public rally held on Saturday in Dharampur village of Valsad district, Gujarat, in support of Congress candidate Anant Patel for the ST-reserved Valsad Lok Sabha seat, Gandhi drew parallels between Modi’s recent allegations of “wealth redistribution” and light-hearted wedding banter. She painted a scenario where an “Uncle Ji” jokes about Congress stealing jewelry and distributing it, suggesting that such remarks should evoke laughter rather than concern.

Critiquing Modi’s rhetoric, Gandhi implied that he resorts to such tactics due to the weight of his position, stating, “Today, the Prime Minister of the country is making such baseless claims because he believes people will take his words seriously given the importance of his position.”

Recent speeches by PM Modi have focused on the alleged plans of the Congress for wealth redistribution and inheritance tax. He has accused the Congress and its allies of eyeing people’s income and assets, claiming they intend to amend laws to seize assets and jewelry, including mangalsutra, from women.

Responding to Modi’s new focus, Gandhi dismissed it as nonsensical and suggested it stems from anxiety. “He is now warning people that Congress will enter their homes with X-ray machines to conduct searches and snatch their ornaments and mangalsutras from safes to give them away to others. Is that even feasible? Is he doing this out of nervousness?” Gandhi questioned.

Addressing Modi’s portrayal as a powerful leader, Gandhi remarked on his inability to address poverty despite claims of his capabilities. She labeled him as a “mehengai (inflation) man,” criticizing his government’s handling of inflation.

Gandhi further highlighted the hardships faced by the tribal population in Gujarat, Modi’s home state, as well as across the country, including inflation, unemployment, low wages, land loss, violence against women, and other atrocities.

Elections for all 26 Lok Sabha seats in Gujarat are scheduled for May 7 in the third phase, with the counting of votes set for June 4.

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