A recent incident unfolded an unexpected adventure for a man from Gujarat who found himself locked inside the Vande Bharat Express train. The amusing tale, shared by his daughter Kosha on social media, garnered widespread attention and laughter.
The man was assisting his wife with her luggage on her journey from Vadodara to Mumbai. As he attempted to disembark after helping her settle, the automated doors unexpectedly closed, trapping him inside the moving train. Despite frantic efforts to alert the authorities, the train had already departed, setting both parents on an unplanned journey.
While the mother continued her journey as planned, the father found himself bound for the next station, Surat, in his nightclothes. Now faced with the challenge of securing a return ticket to Vadodara, with their car parked near the Vadodara railway station, the man’s unexpected predicament added a humorous twist to the ordeal.
Accompanied by a photo of her parents on the train, Kosha’s post, humorously captioned in Gujarati, quickly went viral, earning chuckles and nods of understanding from netizens. Many appreciated the man’s adventurous spirit, while others shared their own encounters with automated doors, adding to the hilarity of the situation.