With the beginning of voting for the seven-phase Lok Sabha elections earlier this month, India is currently engulfed in a democratic frenzy. In the middle of this celebration, the famous Qutub Minar has brilliantly displayed the “Chunav Ka Parv” (election) theme, embracing the spirit of “Jashn-e-Matdan” (celebrating elections).
The Qutub Minar, a symbol of India’s rich heritage and culture, has become a vision at night. It gleams with election-themed lights, posters and visuals to celebrate the spirit of elections and voting. The Election Commission of India posted a clip to X and encouraged people to vote. “Qutub Minar radiates the spirit of Jashn-e-Matdan with its dazzling display of the #ChunavKaParv theme,” the ECI wrote. “Let’s celebrate this festivity by casting our votes.”
Qutub Minar radiates the spirit of Jash-e-Matdan with its dazzling display of the #ChunavKaParv theme.
Let's celebrate this festivity by casting our votes #GeneralElections2024
📹 @ceodelhi #DeshKaGarv #LokSabhaElections2024 #YouAreTheOne pic.twitter.com/NPhlifadmT
— Election Commission of India (@ECISVEEP) April 27, 2024
In the second phase of the general election on April 26, all 20 seats in Kerala, 14 in Karnataka, and 13 in Rajasthan went to polls. Apart from them, eight seats each in Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh, six in Madhya Pradesh, five each in Assam and Bihar, three in Chhattisgarh and West Bengal, and a constituency each in Manipur, Tripura, and Jammu and Kashmir also voted to elect their representatives.
The first and also the largest phase of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections was held on April 19.
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