Paramilitary forces at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport apprehended a 24-year-old man, Sangeet Singh from Uttar Pradesh’s Gautam Buddha Nagar, for impersonating a pilot. The impersonator was spotted by Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel strolling near the airport skywalk while clad in a pilot’s uniform.
Deceptive Act Unveiled
Despite lacking any genuine credentials, Singh had deceived his own family into believing that he was a commercial pilot. Sporting an ID card around his neck, he falsely claimed to be an employee of Singapore Airlines. However, further scrutiny revealed that Singh’s credentials were fabricated, including a counterfeit ID card purportedly representing Singapore Airlines, created using a business card maker application. He had also procured the pilot’s uniform from the Dwarka area of the national capital.
Investigation Unravels
According to the police, Singh had completed a one-year aviation hospitality course in Mumbai in 2020. Upon interception by CISF personnel, Singh presented himself as a Singapore Airlines pilot, displaying a counterfeit ID card hanging from his neck. However, subsequent verification confirmed the falsity of Singh’s claims, leading to his apprehension.
Legal Action Taken
A case has been registered against the accused, as confirmed by a senior police official, highlighting the seriousness of impersonating a pilot and attempting to gain unauthorized access to restricted areas within the airport premises.