News Karnataka
Friday, June 28 2024

Government advises Indians to leave Niger as soon as possible

Government advises Indians to leave Niger as soon as possible
Photo Credit : IANS

New Delhi: The Indian government has urged its citizens residing in Niger to depart from the country as quickly as possible due to the ongoing violent situation. The government is carefully observing the developments in Niger and has issued an advisory through the External Affairs Ministry. This advisory recommends that Indian nationals who are not in essential roles should leave Niger promptly. It’s important to note that the airspace is currently closed, and if departing via land borders, individuals should take maximum precautions to ensure their safety and security. Additionally, those who were planning to travel to Niger in the near future are advised to reconsider their plans until the situation stabilizes. The government also suggests that Indian citizens who have not registered with the Indian Embassy in Niamey should complete the registration process without delay.

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