News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

Delhi Police Officers’ Families Shine in UPSC Exams

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Several candidates with family ties to Delhi Police officers have excelled in the UPSC (CSE) 2023 exams, showcasing remarkable dedication and academic prowess.

Pratibha: Aiming for IPS

Pratibha, the 26-year-old daughter of a Delhi Police assistant sub-inspector, cracked the UPSC exam in her second attempt. With aspirations to serve the nation as an IPS officer, Pratibha credits her family’s unwavering support for her success. Having pursued BSc and MSc in mathematics, she left her banking job to focus entirely on exam preparation.

Shristi Dabas: First Attempt Success

Shristi Dabas, daughter of another Delhi Police ASI, secured the 6th rank in her debut UPSC attempt. Working as an officer at the Reserve Bank of India in Mumbai, Shristi’s accomplishment fills her family with pride. She informed her family about the results while away from Delhi and plans to celebrate her achievement upon her return.

Rupal Rana: Overcoming Adversity

Rupal Rana, daughter of a Delhi Police ASI, clinched the 26th rank despite facing personal tragedy with the loss of her mother just before the final interview. Her perseverance and dedication, studying up to 12 hours daily, paid off, fulfilling her mother’s dream. Rupal aims for the IAS, aspiring to attain greater heights for her family.

Udit Kadiyan: Striving for the IPS

Udit Kadiyan, the son of a Delhi Police sub-inspector, achieved the 375th rank, driven by his lifelong ambition to become an IPS officer. His relentless dedication, studying late into the night, reflects his determination to succeed in his chosen path.

Manoj Kumar: DANIPS Officer’s Success

Even within the Delhi Police ranks, success in the UPSC exams is celebrated. Manoj Kumar, an Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) in Dwarka, cleared the exam on his fifth attempt, securing the 120th position. Despite his professional commitments, Kumar’s perseverance and guidance from his elder brother, an IAS officer, contributed to his achievement.

These remarkable individuals exemplify dedication, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence, embodying the spirit of service and aspiration within the Delhi Police community.

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