In a chilling incident, the lifeless body of a man was discovered hanging from an iron grill on an under-construction flyover in the Karala area of west Delhi. The gruesome sight was captured in a horrifying video that circulated widely, sparking shock and concern throughout the community.
The victim, believed to be aged between 25 to 30 years old, was found early this morning, leaving authorities grappling with the question of whether this was a tragic case of suicide or a sinister act of murder. Delhi police, while confirming the age range of the deceased, admitted to uncertainty surrounding the circumstances of his death.
Efforts to retrieve the body were swiftly undertaken by the fire department, who successfully brought it down from its haunting perch. The next step in this harrowing ordeal involves a post-mortem examination, which aims to shed light on the cause and manner of death.
As investigations unfold, residents are left shaken by the distressing event, hoping for answers and justice for the deceased individual whose final moments were marked by tragedy and uncertainty.