News Karnataka
Monday, July 01 2024

Afghanistan Embassy in India Permanently Closes Operations

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New Delhi: The Afghanistan Embassy in New Delhi has officially announced the permanent closure of its operations, citing “broader changes in policy and interests.” The closure, effective from November 23, 2023, is attributed to persistent challenges from the Indian government.

In an official statement, the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan revealed that the decision follows an earlier cessation of operations on September 30. The embassy had initially ceased operations in the hope that the Indian government’s stance would change favorably to allow normal mission functioning.

The September 30 announcement cited a “lack of support from the host government,” failure to meet expectations to serve Afghanistan’s best interests, and constraints in resources and personnel. Despite an eight-week wait, the embassy noted that objectives such as visa extensions for diplomats and a shift in the Indian government’s conduct were not realized.

The statement emphasized the embassy’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and fair treatment based on goodwill and the interests of Afghanistan, considering historic ties and bilateral relations with India. It acknowledged the support and assistance received from the people of India over the past 22 years and expressed gratitude. The embassy pledged to continue exploring avenues to support Afghanistan amid challenging times.

The permanent closure of the Afghanistan Embassy in New Delhi reflects the complex diplomatic landscape and evolving relationships between nations in the aftermath of significant geopolitical changes in Afghanistan.

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