Following the tragic Singareni Colony rape case in Hyderabad in 2021, a dedicated group of academics, concerned citizens, and local residents have been actively engaged in uplifting and safeguarding the children of the slum community. Over the past three years, they have undertaken various initiatives aimed at preventing sexual violence and providing educational opportunities to underprivileged boys and girls in the area.
Empowering Through Education
Led by Sujatha Surepally, a professor at Satavahana University and a member of the Dalit Women’s Collective and SAFEE foundation, the initiative focuses on empowering children through education and life-skills training. After-school classes, aimed at rebuilding trust and confidence among families, have been instrumental in encouraging girl children to resume their studies and dissuading boys from dropping out.
Creating Safe Spaces
One of the primary challenges faced by the community was ensuring the safety of girls, particularly in the aftermath of the horrific incident. Parents were hesitant to allow their daughters out after dark, fearing for their safety in the often-toxic environment of urban slums. Through dedicated efforts, Sujatha and her team have succeeded in establishing safe spaces where children can learn and grow without fear.
Summer Camp Initiative
To further support the holistic development of children, the initiative has organized a unique summer camp for approximately 200 children from the slum area. The camp offers a diverse range of activities, including life-skills training, language lessons, and dance classes. Additionally, professionals from various fields, including army officials, will interact with the students to provide additional inspiration and guidance.
Call for Support
While the initiative has made significant strides, it relies heavily on the support of volunteers and donors. To ensure the success of the summer camp and ongoing educational programs, the group is seeking additional volunteers and financial contributions. Interested individuals can visit to donate or apply to volunteer.
A Beacon of Hope
Through their tireless efforts, Sujatha and her team have become beacons of hope for the Singareni Colony community. By providing educational opportunities and creating safe spaces, they are empowering the next generation and fostering a brighter future for all children, regardless of their socio-economic background.