News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024
Health & Lifestyle

US scientists’ cancer-killing pill destroys solid tumors

Photo Credit : Pexels

New York: In a groundbreaking achievement, a team of American scientists has successfully developed a revolutionary cancer-fighting pill that has the potential to eliminate solid tumors.

Known as AOH1996, this remarkable pill has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in pre-clinical trials, specifically targeting cells derived from various types of cancers, including breast, prostate, brain, ovarian, cervical, skin, and lung cancers.

The origins of this groundbreaking medication trace back to the dedicated efforts of a team at the City of Hope research institute in California. The pill was named after Anna Olivia Healy, a young girl born in 1996, who tragically passed away at the tender age of nine due to a rare childhood cancer known as neuroblastoma.

Professor Linda Malkas, from the Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Experimental Therapeutics at City of Hope, explained that many existing targeted therapies focus on a single pathway, which allows cancer cells to mutate and develop resistance. However, AOH1996 takes a different approach, specifically attacking a protein called proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). PCNA plays a crucial role in promoting tumor growth by assisting in DNA replication and the repair of cancerous cells.

Malkas described PCNA as a central airline terminal hub with multiple gates, and their research indicates that it undergoes unique alterations in cancer cells. This insight allowed the team to design a drug that exclusively targets the form of PCNA found in cancer cells. Using an analogy, Malkas likened the cancer-killing pill to a snowstorm shutting down a vital airline hub, affecting only the flights carrying cancer cells.

The team’s findings, published in the journal Cell Chemical Biology, showed promising results in both cell and animal models. Currently, the pill is undergoing a Phase 1 clinical trial in humans. Malkas asserted that AOH1996 can inhibit tumor growth effectively, either as a monotherapy or in combination with other treatments, without causing toxicity.

To test the medication’s efficacy, the researchers conducted experiments on over 70 cancer cell lines and several normal control cells. AOH1996 demonstrated its ability to selectively target and kill cancer cells by disrupting their normal reproductive cycle. It specifically focused on transcription replication conflicts, which occur when mechanisms responsible for gene expression and genome duplication collide.

By preventing cells with damaged DNA from dividing during the G2/M phase and halting the copy of faulty DNA in the S phase, AOH1996 induced cancer cell death (apoptosis) without interrupting the reproductive cycle of healthy stem cells.

What makes this achievement truly remarkable is that no one had previously attempted to target PCNA therapeutically, as it was deemed “undruggable.” However, City of Hope successfully developed an investigational medicine to tackle this challenging protein target, as stated by the lead author, Associate Research Professor Long Gu, from the Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Experimental Therapeutics at Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope.

Furthermore, the researchers observed an interesting side effect during their experiments. The investigational pill rendered cancer cells more susceptible to chemical agents that cause DNA or chromosome damage, such as the chemotherapy drug cisplatin. This indicates that AOH1996 could potentially serve as a valuable component in combination therapies and contribute to the development of new chemotherapeutics.

In conclusion, the development of the AOH1996 pill marks a significant leap forward in the fight against cancer. With its unique ability to target PCNA, the team at City of Hope has opened the door to potentially more personalized and effective cancer treatments. As clinical trials progress, the medical community eagerly awaits the possibility of a game-changing solution in the battle against this devastating disease.

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