News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024
Health & Lifestyle

Ayurvedic Herbs to Help Control Uric Acid Levels

Control Uric Acid Levels
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Exploring the rich heritage of Ayurveda, an ancient medicinal tradition originating from India, unveils a plethora of herbs believed to aid in controlling uric acid levels. Here, we delve into the potency of ten popular Ayurvedic herbs renowned for their potential in regulating uric acid levels:

1. Giloy:

With its anti-inflammatory prowess, Giloy mitigates inflammation linked with elevated uric acid levels. Additionally, it bolsters kidney functionality, facilitating the elimination of uric acid. Consumption options include decoction, powder, or juice, often paired with honey or water.

2. Gokshura:

Operating as a diuretic, Gokshura enhances urine production, thereby expelling uric acid from the body. It also fosters kidney health. Available forms include powder, capsule, or decoction, commonly ingested with water or milk.

3. Haritaki:

Esteemed for its detoxifying attributes, Haritaki aids in digestion regulation, potentially lowering uric acid levels by enhancing overall digestive efficacy. It is consumed in powder, decoction, or tablet form, often accompanied by warm water or honey.

4. Punarnava:

Recognized for its diuretic nature, Punarnava stimulates urine output, facilitating the elimination of toxins, including uric acid. Its forms include decoction, powder, or tablets, commonly ingested with water or buttermilk.

5. Triphala:

A blend of three fruits, namely Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki, Triphala supports digestion, detoxification, and elimination, potentially aiding in uric acid management. Typically consumed as a powder mixed with warm water or honey, it is also available in capsule form.

6. Amla:

Abundant in vitamin C and antioxidants, Amla combats inflammation and oxidative stress associated with high uric acid levels while supporting kidney function. It can be consumed fresh, as juice, or in powdered form mixed with water or honey.

7. Neem:

Harnessing anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties, Neem may reduce inflammation and eliminate toxins, including uric acid, from the body. Consumption options include neem leaves as tea or neem powder mixed with water or honey.

8. Shilajit:

Enriched with minerals and fulvic acid, Shilajit potentially enhances kidney function and aids in uric acid elimination. It is commonly consumed as a resin dissolved in water or milk or in capsule form.

9. Turmeric:

Containing curcumin, renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant traits, Turmeric may mitigate inflammation and oxidative stress related to high uric acid levels. It can be consumed fresh, as powder, or in capsule form, often blended with warm milk or water.

10. Coriander:

Boasting diuretic properties, coriander seeds augment urine output, aiding in uric acid elimination. Consumption methods include tea, decoction, or ground powder incorporated into various dishes.

Before initiating any herbal regimen, especially if under medical treatment or with existing health concerns, consulting a qualified healthcare practitioner is imperative.

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