Mangaluru: The principal of Lourdes Central School, Bejai Fr Robert D Souza, celebrated his 50th birthday on 3 April 2024.
Fr Robert offered Thanksgiving Eucharistic mass in the presence of Bejai parish community, relatives, priests and friends on Wednesday April 3, followed by a felicitation programme. Fr Denis D Sa preached the holy Eucharist and about 50 other priests concelebrated the Holy Eucharist
The felicitation programme was presided by Fr Robert D Souza, Fr John Baptist Saldanha , Parish priest of Bejai, mother of Fr Robert, Fr Joseph Martis, Fr Vincent Sequiera, Fr Suraj Lobo, Fr Leston Lobo, Fr Santhosh Rodrigues, Sr Severine, Superior of St Angela Convemt, Fr Santhosh Rodrigues Director Pastoral Institute, Ashok Pinto Vice President PPP, Avitha Pinto, Secretary PPP, Rajesh Brother of Robert, Godwin Pinto, Coordinator of various Commissions and other dignitaries.
The programme began with a prayer song by the sisters of St Angela Convemt.Thw children of St Angela Home performed the welcome dance.
Ashok Pinto welcomed the guests and parishioners. Fr J B Saldanha along with the other dignitaries cut the birthday cake with festal joy.
Fr Joseph Martis raised the toast on this occasion.
Rajesh, Fr Santhosh and Fr J.B. Saldanha spoke a few words on Fr Robert.
Fr Suraj read the letter of blessing from Pope Francis. Avitha Pinto read the letter of honour and it was presented to Fr Robert on behalf of the parish community by the vice president and secretary, while the family members and the dignitaries on the diese honoured Fr Robert.
A special Parish Bulletin issue on Fr Robert’s life was released to the gathering. A festal meal was arranged to all gathered.
Fr Leston Lobo proposed the vote of thanks. Fr Vincent Sequiera compeered the programme.
Photos by: Clanute Cj
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