New Delhi: Bollywood luminary Kajol, who ventured into the digital realm with Lust Stories 2 last year, penned a heartfelt birthday message for her sister Tanishaa Mukerji. Accompanied by a selfie of the birthday celebrant and herself, the actress from My Name Is Khan expressed, “Wishing my forever youthful sister a joyous birthday… May your life be illuminated with endless light, love, and laughter! Love you immensely.” Tanishaa promptly reciprocated with a reply, “Love you, my darling! Forever and always.” For those unaware, Tanishaa Mukerji marked her 46th birthday on March 03rd .
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Earlier, Tanishaa Mukerji, who graced the reality show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 11 as a contestant, opened up about her romance with Uday Chopra. In a conversation with Siddharth Kannan, Tanishaa reminisced about their filmy encounter, stating, “Uday and I met during the era of Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge. That was around a decade or so ago. We became friends, and remained so over the years. During the filming, we grew closer, and our affection blossomed naturally.” She also disclosed that their relationship spanned “two years.” Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge marked the directorial debut of Uday’s brother, Aditya Chopra.
When questioned about the breakup, Tanishaa Mukerji pondered, “Why do breakups occur? You realize that something isn’t clicking. It’s quite natural, but people tend to blow it out of proportion. We understood it wasn’t working, yet we remain friends.” She further revealed that the separation was “emotionally challenging.”
Tanishaa Mukerji, daughter of the esteemed actress Tanuja Samarth and sibling to the renowned Kajol, has graced the silver screen in various productions such as Sarkar, Antar, and One Two Three.
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