New Delhi: Movie buffs are falling in love with Prasanth Varma’s Hanu-Man, and with good reason. According to a note shared by Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh, the film starring Teja Sajja has made ₹4.08 crore on day 4. Out of this, ₹3.80 crore came from the Hindi version, and ₹28 lakhs from the Telugu version. Currently, the first installment of Prasanth Varma’s film universe has brought in ₹17.54 crore. Taran Adarsh wrote, “It’s #HanuMania everywhere: from North to South, from East to West…,” in a post on X, the former Twitter. #HanuMan is irreversible and unbreakable carries on its victorious march on crucial Day 4 [Mon]… *More* than Day 1 [Friday], even with *weekday* ticket prices being lower. This one isn’t going to let up anytime soon.
Taran Adarsh shared box office figures and said, “#HanuMan Sat 4.05 cr, Sun 6.17 cr [updated], Mon 3.80 cr, Fri 2.15 cr. In total: ₹ 16.17 billion. Business in India. Note: #Hindi version. North India’s Telugu version: Fri. 24 lacs, Sat. 40 lacs, Sun. 45 lacs, Mon. 28 lacs. In total, ₹ 1.37 cr.
It’s #HanuMania everywhere: from North to South, from East to West… #HanuMan is UNSTOPPABLE and UNSHAKABLE… Continues its victory march on make-or-break Day 4 [Mon]… Collects *more* than Day 1 [Fri], despite reduced ticket rates *on weekdays*… This one’s NOT going to slow…
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 16, 2024
About the film, NDTV’s Saibal Chatterjee wrote: “Prasanth Varma’s Hanu-Man, touted as the first Telugu-language superhero movie, scores in terms of scale and ambition. The execution, notwithstanding a few visual and ideational highs (most of them CGI-driven), struggles at times to keep pace what the film’s racing inner pulse. The disconnect mercifully isn’t overly glaring. At the level of the yarn that Varma’s screenplay spins, Hanu-Man is a blend of the mythic and the mundane, the bombastic and the blithe. The film constantly flits from the epic to the everyday as it presents the coming-of-age story of an ordinary village boy who one fine day acquires Hanuman-like strength.”