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Sunday, June 30 2024

Anne Hathaway Opens Up About Miscarriage on Stage

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In 2015, while playing a pregnant woman in a play, Hollywood actor Anne Hathaway experienced a miscarriage. This was a difficult time in her life, which she has since shared. “I was doing a play and I had to give birth on stage every night,” the 41-year-old Oscar-winning actress said of her first pregnancy in an interview with Vanity Fair. The miscarriage she disclosed happened during the six-week run of the one-woman off-Broaday series “Grounded.” But when her friends came to see her backstage, she said she “pretended everything was fine.”

Anne Hathaway stated in the interview that she “had to keep it real” with her friends when they came to see her backstage following shows. “It was too much to keep it in when I was onstage pretending everything was fine,” she stated.

“So when it did go well for me, having been on the other side of it – where you have to have the grace to be happy for someone – I wanted to let my sisters know, ‘You don’t have to always be graceful. I see you and I’ve been you,” the Oscar-winning actor and mother of two said.

“It’s really hard to want something so much and to wonder if you’re doing something wrong,” she added.

In March 2016, the “Devil Wears Prada” actress and her husband Adam Shulman welcomed their first son. She revealed her second pregnancy in 2019. However, she disclosed her difficulties getting pregnant in an Instagram post. She wrote, “It’s not for a movie,” with a picture of her growing baby bump. “Aside from the jokes, I would like to let everyone who is experiencing difficulty conceiving and infertility know that neither of my pregnancies was a direct result of my struggles. Extra love from me, sweetie “

In the latest interview, the actor explained the reason for writing the Instagram post. “Given the pain I felt while trying to get pregnant, it would’ve felt disingenuous to post something all the way happy when I know the story is much more nuanced than that for everyone,” she said.

She added she “wasn’t going to feel ashamed” of something that seemed “statistically to actually be quite normal”.

After having a miscarriage, Anne Hathaway claimed to be shocked to learn how common miscarriages are. It also turned out that a lot of her friends had gone through similar things. “Where is this information, I wondered? Why do we feel like we’re alone all the time? That is our point of damage-taking. Thus, I made the decision to discuss it,” the woman remarked.

“The thing that broke my heart, blew my mind, and gave me hope was that for three years after, almost daily, a woman came up to me in tears and I would just hold her, because she was carrying this [pain] around and suddenly it wasn’t all hers anymore,” she added.

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