Last month in Udaipur, Taapsee Pannu tied the knot with her longtime partner and badminton player Mathias Boe. A video from Taapsee’s bridal entry went extremely viral on Wednesday. The actress is seen dancing passionately in it. A fresh video from the actress’s nuptial celebrations has just appeared online. The couple can be seen swaying to the beat of a romantic song while ruling the dance floor in what looks to be footage from Taapsee and Mathias Boe’s sangeet ceremony. Of course, this video has gone viral as well. Before getting married, the couple reportedly attended a sangeet and a mehendi ceremony. The wedding and pre-wedding festivities happened on March 21 and 24. The couple has not yet released an official statement.
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Take a look at the crazy viral video of Taapsee Pannu’s bridal entry at her Udaipur wedding:
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Actor Abhilash Thapliyal (Aspirants), writer Kanika Dhillon, and co-star Pavail Gulati of Taapsee were among the guests at the Udaipur wedding. There were also badminton players Satwiksai Raj Rankireddy and Mathais Boe’s student Chirag Shetty. The Wedding Factory, an event management company owned by Taapsee, Farah Sood, and her sister Shagun Pannu, planned the wedding.
Taapsee Pannu, who debuted in Hindi cinema with Chashme Baddoor in 2013, is most recognized for her roles in popular and critically acclaimed movies such as Mulk, Pink, Naam Shabana, Soorma, and Manmarziyaan. She has also acted in movies including Mission Mangal, Badla, Saand Ki Aankh, and Game Over. In addition, the actress starred in the suspense films Dobaaraa and Blurr.
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