Madgaon Express, Kunal Kemmu‘s directorial debut, is garnering positive reviews from both critics and fans. To raise awareness of the value of seat belts, Mumbai Police’s official Instagram page has now posted a scene from the movie. The main characters, Pratik Gandhi, Dibyenndu, and Avinash Tiwary, are seen sitting in a car in this particular scene. With Pratik sitting in the backseat and Divyenndu in the passenger’s seat, Avinash is the driver. They are all not wearing seat belts. Avinash starts the car in a hurry, and it hits a fire hydrant. The phrase “Seatbelt is important” flashes on the screen as the scene comes to an end.
While sharing the video, Mumbai Police wrote, “An express trip without seat belt will land you straight in the hospital.”
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Meanwhile, following the release of Madgaon Express, Kunal Kemmu has shared a bunch of BTS images from the film on his Instagram handle. Sharing his experience the actor-director wrote, “From day 1 of the shoot to the day I said the last pack up on the sets of Madgaon Express. Each day has been so special in so many ways. And I couldn’t have done it without my amazing team of actors and technicians. To the many colours of friendship that the film showcases and the many colours of my own personality that I got to explore through this film. I wish you all a very happy Holi and thank you so much for all the love that you have shown to our film. May this festival of colours bring you all your happiness and good luck.”
Soha Ali Khan, an actress and author, and Kunal Kemmu’s wife, posted a Behind-the-Scenes video to Instagram prior to Madgaon Express’s release. “It’s safe to say that since the age of 8, a film set has been a second home to you Kunal; we even met on a film set sixteen years ago – perhaps that is where you found yourself too,” the text that was attached to the post said. You have demonstrated your abilities as an actor in a variety of genres, but now, as a writer-director, you share your labor of love, sweat, and yes, even tears, with the audience.
Madgaon Express narrates the story of three childhood friends who embark on a trip to Goa, which unexpectedly takes a dramatic turn. The movie is produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani’s Excel Entertainment.
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