News Karnataka
Friday, June 28 2024
Business News

Air India Express Crew Return After Sick Leave Spree

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An official stated on Sunday that Air India Express is gradually resuming flights and stabilizing the network, and the cabin crew union emphasized that all members who had reported sick have now returned to work.
According to the person in the know, the Tata Group-owned airline, which offers about 380 services every day, canceled at least 20 flights on Sunday. Full restoration of operations is anticipated by Tuesday morning.

Air India Express declined to comment in an official capacity.

The strike by a section of cabin crew to protest against the alleged mismanagement at the airline had forced cancellation of hundreds of flights since Tuesday night.

On Thursday, the strike was called off and the carrier also withdrew termination letters issued to 25 cabin crew following a conciliation meeting convened by the chief labour commissioner in the national capital.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the airline and the Air India Express Employees Union (AIXEU).

In a release on Sunday, the union said all the cabin crew who had reported sick have joined back and “as such there is no delay on the part of the cabin crew”.

“All the cabin crew members who reported sick have joined their duty by May 11, 2024,” it said.

However, due to a glitch in the company’s scheduling software as it was recently introduced, it is still showing that staff are reported sick.

The official said flights are being slowly restored and stabilisation of the network is expected by Tuesday morning.

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